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Print Glossary for Print Shop Milwaukee.com Customers |
Alignment -
Orientation of type with regard to edges of the column or
paper, such as aligned right (flush right), aligned left
(flush left), and aligned on center (centered).
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Bindery -
Place where printed products are collated, trimmed, folded,
and/or bound. A bindery may be a department within a
printing company or a separate business.
Bleed -
Printing that extends to the edge of a sheet or page after
Blueline Proof -
A blue colored photoprint made to proof type, image position
and pagination. Also called a blueprint.
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Camera-ready -
Text or artwork which is black and white and ready to be
photographed by a process camera, typically for a newspaper.
Digital files have largely replaced this method.
Character -
Any letter, numeral, punctuation mark, or other
alphanumeric symbol.
Clip Art -
Copyright-free drawings available for purchase for unlimited
reproduction. Clip art illustrations are printed on glossy
paper or stored on computer disks. They are ready for
placement on mechanicals or pages designed on computer
screens. Also called standard Artwork.
The four process colors used in offset lithography printing.
They are cyan, magenta, yellow and black (the key color).
When these four colors are printed with halftone screens of
various angles in this subtractive print method, they create
oranges, reds, violets, and so on. The color gamut of CMYK
is fairly limited, causing loss of color when a continuous
tone photograph is reproduced using only 4 colors.
Coated Paper -
Paper with a coating of clay and other substances that
improves reflectivity and ink holdout. Mills produce coated
paper appropriate for publications in three major categories
of surface shine: gloss, dull, and matte.
Color Gamut -
Gamut is the term used to describe the range of colors which
can be seen by the human eye, reproduced on a monitor, or
printed on paper using various output devices. The gamut of
our eyes is huge and represents everything we see. Early
computer monitors only reproduced 256 colors, but today's
monitors can display thousands or even millions of colors
using an additive red, green, blue (RGB) color model. A four
color offset print job is printed in cyan, magenta, yellow
and black (CMYK). The subtractive process of printing
combines these colors to create other colors such as orange,
green or red. This process produces a fairly limited color
gamut. To make matters more difficult, some colors which can
be printed can not be displayed on the monitor and vice
versa. Recent print technology aims to enlarge the color
gamut by printing additional colors along with CMYK. Pantone
has developed "Hexachrome", a 6 color offset print process
which comes close to the RGB gamut. Newer large format
printers such as the DisplayMaker print with up to 8 print
color heads for greatly improved midtones. Color
photographic images have a wider range of color than offset
printing and richer tones than a monitor can display. There
is a loss of color data when a photograph is scanned and
converted to CMYK or Hexachrome for offset printing.
Color Separations -
Separating a multicolor image (digital file) into individual
monochrome halftone sheets of film. A CMYK print job
requires 4 sheets of film. The separate film sheets are used
to make a matchprint proof and printing plates. Separations
are processed by an imagesetter.
Continuous Tone Photograph -
This is traditional photography in either black and white or
in color. This process creates superior images with a
tremendous range of tonal values and color saturation. When
these same images are converted into halftone screens for
offset lithography printing it results in loss of color
Crop -
To eliminate portions of an image so the remainder is more
useful, pleasing, or able to fit the layout.
Crop Marks -
Lines near the edges of an image indicating portions to be
reproduced. Also called Cut Marks and Tick Marks.
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Die -
A stamping tool used for embossing or die-cutting.
Direct-to-plate -
This is the newest trend in 4 or more color printing. The
digital file is imaged and separated directly to the
printing plate. This skips the processing of color separated
film and the making of a matchprint. Proofing is done using
a high quality and accurate inkjet print. The plates are
ready immediately for the printing press.
Drop Shadow -
Screen tint or rule touching an illustration, box, or type
to give a three-dimensional shadow effect. Also called Flat
Duotone -
A duotone begins as a black and white photograph. Duotones
are created by generating two halftones of the same image.
This will make two separate printing plates for a two color
print job. The two plates are printed together and the
resulting printed image is rich in tonal values. Duotones
are often printed with black and a spot color, but any two
colors can be combined. Unusual color combinations will
require a press check.
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Element -
One part of an image or page. Elements of an image may
include subject, background, and foreground. Elements of a
page may include headlines, body copy, and halftones.
Estimate -
Price that states what a job is likely to cost. Also called
bid, quotation, and tender. Printers base estimates on
specifications provided by customers.
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Finished Size -
Size of product after production is complete, as
compared to flat size. Also called Trim Size.
Flat Size -
Size of product after printing and trimming, but before
folding, as compared to finished size.
Flush Left -
Type aligning vertically along the left side of the column.
Also called Left Justified or Ranged Left.
Flush Right -
Type aligning vertically along the right side of the column.
Also called Right Justified or Ranged Right.
Fold Marks -
Lines on a mechanical, film, printing plate, or press sheet
indicating where to fold the final product.
Font -
In early printing the ink was applied to rows of either
wooden or metal letters and the letters were pressed against
the paper. The wood or metal letters are called fonts. After
printing the fonts were wiped clean and stored away in
drawers. Fonts might be large individual letters (wood), or
words or groups of words in metal type. In the computer age
fonts are the required file to display and print any given
typeface. Most commercial printers require Postscript Type 1
fonts, though TrueType scalable fonts are becoming more
common. Fonts files must be supplied with every print job.
Footer -
Information, such as page number or chapter title, that
appears at the bottom of every page. Also called running
Format -
Size or layout, depending on context. A publication may have
an 8 1/2 x 11 format or a one-column format.
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Gloss Finish -
Paper with a coating that reflects light well, as compared
to dull or matte-coated paper.
Grainy -
Appearance of a photograph or halftone that has been
enlarged so much that the pattern of crystals in the
emulsion can be seen in the photo or its reproduction.
Graphic Design -
Arrangement of type and visual elements along with
specifications for paper, ink colors, and printing processes
that, when combined, convey a visual message.
Graphic Designer -
Professional who designs, plans, and may coordinate
production of a printed piece.
Graphics -
Visual elements that supplement type to make printed
messages clearer or more interesting.
Gutter -
Line or fold at which facing pages meet.
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Hairline -
Thinnest visible space or rule. Because visibility is
determined by factors such as contrast between ink and
paper, hairline has no precise measure.
Halftone -
Method of converting a continuous-tone photograph into a
grid of larger and smaller dots. This pattern makes it
possible to make film and/or printing plates. A halftone
screen is the actual grid pattern. In offset printing, each
of the CMYK color screens has a different screen angle so
the printed dots will create a perfect rosette, which the
human eye merges into a continuous tone. Misaligned screens
create a moire pattern. It is the halftone screen pattern
which makes it difficult to scan a previously printed image.
Hard Copy -
Copy on a substrate, such as film or paper, as compared
to soft copy.
Header -
Information, such as page number or chapter title, that
appears at the top of every page.
Hexachrome -
Pantone has developed hexachrome printing as a solution
to the color color gamut limitations of CMYK process
printing. Hexachrome printing comes closer to the RGB gamut.
Highlights -
Lightest portions of a photograph or halftone, as
compared to midtones and shadows.
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Image -
Type, illustration, or other original as it has been
reproduced on computer screen, film, printing plate, or
Imposition -
The arrangement of individual pages onto a larger sheet,
front and back, so that when the printed sheet is folded the
pages will be front and back and paginated properly. This
printed sheet is called a signature. Books, catalogs and
magazines are made of a series of folded signatures which
are all bound together. Printers use special software for
the imposition of digital files from a page layout program.
Indicia -
Postal permit information printed on objects to be mailed
and accepted by U.S. Postal Service in place of stamps.
Italic Type -
Type slanted to the right, as compared to Roman type.
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Joint Photographic Experts Group. A highly compressed
graphics format designed to handle computer images of high
resolution photographs as efficiently as possible.
Justified -
Type Type set to extend across the entire width of a column,
making it flush right and left.
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Lap -
The slight overlapping of printed colors, usually the result
of trapping. Trapping is a method used to allow for slight
faults in color registration.
Layout -
Sketch or plan of how a page or sheet will look when
Line Art -
Artwork that is black and white, without middle gray tones.
Logos are often line art.
Logo -
Abbreviation for logotype, an artistic assembly of type and
art (or mark) into a distinctive symbol unique to an
organization, business, or product. Also called Emblem.
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Mailing Service -
Business specializing in addressing and mailing large
quantities of printed pieces. Also called Lettershop or
Fulfillment House.
Makeover -
1) New design replacing an old design; 2) Printing job
done over again-made over without changes-because of
unacceptable flaws in the previous production run.
Makeready -
The steps it takes to prepare a printing press and/or
binding equipment for the next project. This is actually one
of the more expensive parts of a print job. Use of specialty
papers or metallic inks can increase the cost of makeready.
Mark Up -
To write, on a manuscript or proof, instructions about
matters such as typesetting, color correcting, or printing.
Matte Finish -
Flat (not glossy) finish on photographic paper or coated
printing paper.
Matchprint Proof -
Also called a Rainbow, this is a high quality color proof
made from the actual film separations which will be used to
make the printing plates. This is the final proof prior to
color printing. The printing press operator will use the
client approved matchprint for quality control during
Moire Pattern -
This is an undesirable result of misaligned screen angles in
CMYK printing. Proper alignment of common halftone screens
should create a perfect rosette.
Monitor Colors (RGB) -
Monitors display color using an additive process combining
red, green and blue. These colors create orange, blue,
violet and so on. The Windows platform displays a slightly
different gamut of colors than Macintosh computer. The base
for both systems is 216 colors. Windows monitors display
colors darker and with less saturation than Macintosh
systems. Due to these limitations you should expect some
color shift as you view images or Web pages on different
monitors. Monitors are also not a reliable indicator of what
colors will actually be printed on paper. Even expensive
calibrated monitors using the newest software can only
approximate your final print. A color proof produced by a
print shop is the only true indicator of what any finished
print job will look like.
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Newsletter -
Short, usually informal periodical presenting specialized
information to a limited audience.
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Offset Lithography Printing -
Printing that uses an intermediary surface, a rubber
blanket, to transfer the image from the inked plate surface
onto the paper. An offset press can print from 1 to 6
colors, depending on the number of print heads.
Opacity -
Characteristic of paper that prevents printing on one side
from showing through to the other.
Original Art -
Initial photo or illustration prepared for reproduction.
Overprint -
To print one image over a previously printed image, such as
printing type over a screen tint. Also called Surprint.
Overrun -
Number of pieces printed or paper made in excess of the
quantity ordered.
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Page -
One side of a leaf in a printed piece. One sheet folded
in half yields four pages. An eight-page signature has four
pages printed on each side of the sheet.
Page Count -
Total number of pages that a printed piece has. Also
called Extent.
Page Proof -
Proof of type and graphics as they will look on the
finished page complete with elements such as headings and
Pantone Matching System (PMS)® -
The registered trade name of a brand of color matching
system commonly used in commercial printing. Pantone colors
can be specified for ink, papers, plastics, and fabrics.
Pantone chips are available for solid spot colors and for
process ink mixes. Specifying Pantone colors is the only
accurate and predictable way to know that the color in the
imaging application is the color that will be printed (your
monitor is NOT a predictable indication of printed colors).
Prepress -
Camera work, color separating, stripping, platemaking, and
other prepress functions performed by the printer,
separator, or a service bureau prior to printing. Also
called Preparation.
Press Proof or Press Check -
This is an actual printed proof from the press itself before
the entire print run is completed. A good press operator
always does a press proof and matches the print output with
the client approved color proof. Press check usually refers
to the client and designer going to the print shop at
printing time and approving the press proof. This is seldom
done because of the added costs involved.
Proof -
Test sheet made to reveal errors or flaws, predict results
on press, and record how a printing job is intended to
appear when finished.
Proofread -
To examine a manuscript or proof for errors in writing or
Proofreader Marks -
Standard symbols and abbreviations used to mark up
manuscripts and proofs. Most dictionaries and style manuals
include charts of proofreader marks. Also called Correction
Proof Sheet -
1) Photographic term for sheet of images made by contact
printing negatives (also called contact sheet); 2) Printing
term for any proof or press sheet used as a proof.
Proportion Scale -
Device used to calculate percentage that an original image
must be reduced or enlarged to yield a specific reproduction
size. Also called Percentage Wheel, Proportion Dial,
Proportion Wheel, and Scaling Wheel.
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Quality -
Subjective term relating to expectations by the customer,
printer, and other professionals associated with a printing
job and whether the job meets those expectations.
Quotation -
Price offered by a printer to produce a specific job, thus
alternate for estimate. The quoted price is the printer's
side of the contract based on specifications from the
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Raster Image -
Digital scanners and digital cameras produce raster images.
A raster image can also be created new with a raster based
application such as Photoshop® or Painter® or Canvas®.
Raster images are pixel resolution dependent and can not be
greatly increased in size without loosing picture quality.
These are typically large files and are more demanding of
RAM and processor speed. See also Vector Graphics.
Ream -
Five hundred sheets of paper.
Register -
The correct alignment of colors on paper during printing.
Register Marks -
Cross-hair lines on mechanicals and film that help keep
flats, plates, and printing in register. Also called
Crossmarks and Rosition Marks.
Resolution -
Sharpness of an image on film, paper, computer screen, disk,
tape, or other medium.
Reverse -
Type, graphic, or illustration reproduced by printing ink
around its outline, thus allowing the underlying color or
paper to show through and form the image. Also called
knockout or liftout. The image "reverses out" of the ink
Rough Layout -
Sketch giving a general idea of size and placement of text
and graphics in the final product. Also called Esquisse or
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Saddle-stitching -
A type of book binding that uses several metal staples along
the spine to gather and bind pages for a booklet. This is
the least expensive method of quality binding.
Scale -
To identify the percentage by which photographs or art
should be enlarged or reduced to achieve the correct size
for printing. An 8" x 10" photo to be reproduced as a 4" x
5" image should be scaled to 50 percent.
Self-cover -
Using the same paper for the cover as that used on the
inside pages of a booklet. Higher quality booklets will use
a cover weight paper on the outside.
Self-mailer -
Printed piece designed to mail without an envelope.
Shadows -
Darkest areas of a photograph or illustration, as compared
to midtones and highlights.
Sheet-fed Press -
A offset printing press which prints individual sheets of
paper. In contrast, a web-fed press runs paper through on a
continuous strip off a roll, like at a newspaper.
Interestingly, newer digital presses of all sizes run paper
on rolls.
Show Through -
Printing on one side of a sheet that is visible from the
other side due to insufficient opacity of the paper, as
compared to strike through.
Specifications -
Complete and precisely written description of features of a
printing job, such as type size and leading, paper grade and
quantity, printing quality, or binding method. Abbreviated
specs. Specifications typically include the following:
- type specs define typeface, size, line measure,
indentations, headlines, and other features of typography.
- printing specs concentrate on press work, such as
quantities, inkcolors and dot gains, but often include
paper, and finishing.
- finishing specs tell folding requirements and trim
Spot Color -
This is a mixed ink of a specific color. Spot colors are
used most commonly in logo design or to print a specific
color which standard CMYK offset printing can not produce.
Depending on your goals and your budget, you could specify 1
or more spot colors by themselves, or in combination with
the regular CMYK colors. Anvil Graphics specifies spot
colors from the Pantone Matching System, though there are
other selections world wide.
Spread -
A pair of facing pages. Sometimes called a two-page spread
or double-truck.
Stock Photography -
There are two kinds of stock photography. The most common is
"royalty free". Royalty free photos are available in a wide
range of prices depending on the source. Royalty free photos
are still licensed, but the end user can typically use the
pictures for a wide variety of editorial and promotional
uses at anytime. "Rights Protected" photos are handled by
traditional photo stock agencies and are licensed to a
specific client for a particular project for a predetermined
time. Rights protected pictures often cost several hundred
dollars for the license (not ownership). High quality rights
protected photos may be delivered as a transparency and will
need to be scanned professionally. All these pictures should
carry a photo credit and are copyrighted.
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Tag Line -
Alternate term for subtitle. Also used with logos,
often a slogan, description of the business, or the full
Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) -
A common format for interchanging digital information,
generally associated with greyscale or bitmap data.
Template -
Pattern used to draw illustrations, make page formats,
or lay out press sheets. A template may be a physical object
that guides a pencil, an underlay for a light table, or a
computer file with preset formats or outlines for the final
printed piece.
Text -
Main portion of type on a page, as opposed to such
elements as headlines and captions.
Text Paper -
Designation for printing papers with textured surfaces,
such as laid or linen.
Text Type -
Type used for text and captions, as compared to display
type. Also called Body Type and Composition Type.
Thermography -
The use of a special powder on top of wet ink, then fusing
with a heat treatment. The result is an embossed effect
which does not add greatly to the cost of the print job.
This is commonly done on business cards and letterheads of
one or two colors.
Tight Register -
Subjective term referring to nearly exact register.
Toner -
1) Powder forming the images in photocopying and laser
printing; 2) Powder or liquid forming the images in some
color proofing systems.
Type -
Letters, numerals, punctuation marks, and other symbols
produced by a machine and that will be reproduced by
Typeface -
Set of characters with similar design features and weight.
Garamond Light is a typeface. Also calledFace.
Type Family -
Group of typefaces with similar letter forms and an unique
name. Garamond, including all weights and styles, such as
light, semibold, and bold italic, is a type family.
Type Size -
Height of a typeface measured from the top of its ascenders
to the bottom of its descenders, expressed in points.
Type Style -
Characteristic of a typeface, such as bold, italic, or
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Ultrabold Type -
Type that is heavier than bold. Also called Black Type.
Uncoated Paper -
Paper that has not been coated with clay. Also called Offset
Underrun -
Quantity of printing delivered that is less than the
quantity ordered.
Unit Cost -
The cost of one item in a print run. Unit cost is computed
by dividing the total cost of the printing job-variable
costs plus fixed costs-by the quantity of products
Uppercase Letters -
Alternate term for capital letters.
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Variable Costs -
Costs of a printing job that change depending on how many
pieces are produced, as compared to fixed costs. Costs for
paper, printing, and binding are examples of variable costs.
Vector Graphics -
Created from illustration programs such as Freehand® or
Illustrator® , vector graphics are defined by points on the
canvas and complex mathematical computations. Simple or
complex shapes are created which can be overlapped,
combined, aligned, etc. The shapes can be filled with color
or gradients. Vector graphics have the advantage of creating
small files and the artwork is always scalable to any size
with out lose of picture quality. Programs such as
Illustrator also allow the placement of raster images on the
canvas. In fact, the most recent versions of Photoshop and
Illustrator really blur the line between the two programs.
Vellum Finish -
Somewhat rough, toothy paper finish.
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Washed Out -
Characteristic of printing or a photograph whose images
appear faded.
Waste -
Unusable paper or paper damaged during normal make-ready,
printing, or bindery operations.
White Space -
Area of a printed piece that does not contain images or
type. Also called Negative Space.
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